Friday, October 22, 2010

"Halloween Spooktacular"

Chapel Guardian ask with all seriousness: How can our Chapel of Awareness be taken seriously anymore with an announcement like the one above? Their "new" Website is the public face of our church, and this is potential first impression. (Announcement Link)

During the time of conflict, the Friends of Chapel (now controlling the Chapel of Awareness) demanded to be taken seriously. When they felt they were not being taken seriously, they filed a lawsuit -- but after the conflict was supposedly resolved in mediation, they immediately began to erode that which they demanded. They laid quick claim to "channel" the Reverend Donald Schwartz almost immediately after his death. Now in the week of Reverend Schwartz's memorial, the Chapel of Awareness posts a Halloween party announcement complete with Casper the Ghost and a claim to have a "REAL GHOST!" at the event.

This kind of treatment of Reverend Eugene C. Larr's teachings, and those of the major belief systems of the World, is embarrassing and inappropriate, in Chapel Guardian opinion.