Sunday, December 27, 2009

The real source of discord

The Friends of Chapel Mission Statement, as posted on their blog, states that they are "a group of ministers, staff, and members who have joined together in an effort to restore order to the Chapel."

The greatest irony of all, in Chapel Guardian's view, comes from the writings of one of the Friends' ministers recently discovered on that minister's own website.

One of the Friends' central claims is that the post-Larr era at Chapel of Awareness has been rife with disorder and disharmony. That the Chapel is an unwelcome place, especially since the return of one of Founder Rev. Gene Larr's earlier ministers, Rev. Basia Koenig.

Chapel Guardian is aware, however, that disharmony and discord date before Rev. Koenig's return, or Pastor Rev. Ann Lorenzini's attempts to keep Chapel on track. This disharmony was directly caused by those who now seek to "restore order" to the Chapel. The proof is here:

One of the major names associated with Friends of Chapel is Rev. Eric Berg. Chapel Guardian does not exist to attack ministers personally, so this is not a commentary on him directly or his affiliation with Friends of Chapel. What he has to say about discord at Chapel is subtle but interesting, and it comes from the excerpts of his own minister's reports as posted on his website: (emphasis in bold added by Chapel Guardian).

From his 2005 report: "Fear is the opposite of trust. Isn’t it individual fear that most effectively blocks our development as individuals? So here too, fear of what others may do (called mistrust) most effectively blocks development of Chapel as a whole."

From his 2004 report: "I'll work with the other ministers more this year, so that the harmony among us improves and we can go beyond just taking care of business here at Chapel and be examples of some of the miracles we’re training to do."

From his 2003 report: "Let's focus on harmony and our practice. Doing Board business is like housecleaning - it’s necessary but not the point. I’m practicing to refine it into being effortless and fun for everyone."

The group of people most involved during these years are the ones who left when Pastor Lorenzini needed their help the most after Rev. Larr passed away. They were the ministers and board members (and their associates) who Rev. Berg addressed in his minister's reports. He is part of this group himself. They are the Friends of Chapel, and it is the group that has caused the most discord of all since 2006, and certainly in 2009.

From Rev. Berg's own writings, it appears the rancor started long ago. It wouldn't have been addressed in minister's reports were it not a pressing issue.

Something to keep in mind as 2009 draws to a close.


  1. Dear Chapel Guardian,

    I have posted an open letter to Rev Ann on the Friends of Chapel site @ - As I've read your comments, I trust you to include my simple and possibly niave request (typos and all) as you give counsel in the matter.

    All my love,
    Terry Hall

  2. Mr. Hall:

    Chapel Guardian thanks you for the post. It has been activated.

    Best wishes, and thank you for reading.
