Thursday, December 23, 2010

More confusion on Chapel of Awareness' name

from xxxx
to Chapel Guardian
date Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 5:06 PM
subject Re Chapel of Awareness name

Dear Guardian, the Chapel of Awareness is being referred to as a "spiritualist" church.  Rev. Eugene C. Larr, specifically named the church the Chapel of Awareness Spiritual Church.  He said that he wanted to distinguish it from other Spiritualist organizations.  The new Friends of Chapel should at least use its correct name.
This name is prominent on their letterhead they are using to send out their newsletter, InTouch.  According to the Chapel's by-laws that the Friends of Chapel published on line several months ago, Article 1 Section 1 states: "The name of this Corporation is 'Chapel of Awareness Spiritual Church Corporation,'..."
In addition, the "Preamble" states: "We have formed this organization for the purpose of bringing forth the truth and universal knowledge that resides in all mankind..."  "All mankind" refers to all religions - spiritualist and otherwise, and is unique among churches. 
It appears that the new Friends of Chapel group have taken upon themselves to rename the Chapel among their other questionable activities.  To rename the Chapel would require a change in the by-laws. membership.  They should go out and look at the sign in front of the building to know what the name is.

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