Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapel of Awareness letter about revoking memberships

Chapel Guardian received the above letter (name removed by request) from a Chapel of Awareness member. The letter from Sherry DeLoach uses (as the sender noted) the words "revoke" and "terminate", which by definition carry punitive connotations.

From Chapel Guardian's reading, the wording of Sherry DeLoach's letter falls within this definition, indicating without being explicit that punitive action is imminent. Just because someone chooses not to renew corporate membership, that doesn't mean they have engaged in misconduct. Plus, who would honestly contact their organization and ask "Please revoke my membership"? This is no way to encourage anyone in our congregation to keep a membership of any level.

A year ago, the Friends of Chapel sent out a letter in which they pledged to "restore balance, wisdom, and spiritual leadership" to Chapel of Awareness. Sherry DeLoach's letter is another in a list of examples now of how those words had no meaning, as far as Chapel Guardian are concerned.

Sherry DeLoach is among the leadership of the Friends of Chapel. They organized and sued the Chapel for the very issue raised in the letter she sent. Lack of participation and non-payment of corporate dues were among the reasons that Friends of Chapel memberships were canceled, leading to their lawsuit and resulting mediation. Now in control, Sherry DeLoach and the Friends of Chapel are citing the very same reasons for threatening to revoke memberships.

1 comment:

  1. maybe the church should change its name to "credit of awareness" with the way she wrote that. jeez...
