Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Chapel of Awareness board meetings?

A Chapel Guardian observer sent in a note that Chapel's online Calendar shows only Services and Classes but no scheduled Board Meetings even though the calendar legend shows they should be on there. As of 4-14-11 the Calendar shows no Board Meetings listed for ANY month this year. Classes are there; Services are there; but there are no Meetings.

If the Meetings are actually happening, why aren't they in the Calendar? In the past Chapel Board Meetings were open to the Members to attend and even speak. The Friends of Chapel flooded some of them in 2009 and 2010 and in one they even brought a yelling, threatening lawyer demanding that they be heard. Now that they are in control, nothing.

January's Calendar highlights the Friends' Chili Cook-Off. So apparently Chili Cook-Offs are more important than following Chapel of Awareness Bylaws and running regular Meetings of church business?

1 comment:

  1. there is something very very wrong with the way these people are behaving
