Friday, October 21, 2011

Chapel of Awareness closed?

 Chapel Guardian were tipped off this week that Chapel of Awareness' Facebook page says that Chapel is "Closed Now".

The Friends of Chapel's public Chapel of Awareness Facebook Page, as of October 20th and 21st, does indeed clearly state that Chapel is "Closed now". (see attached page copy and this link)

For almost two years now, the Friends of Chapel (now in control of Chapel) have continually claimed that expelled Pastor Reverend Ann Lorenzini and the expelled board of directors closed chapel during the Friends lawsuit against the Chapel; a claim that was not true. Up until just a couple of months ago, Friends of Chapel member Reverend Eric Berg made the same claim on his own Chapel of Awareness page; a claim he removed after Chapel Guardian brought it to the congregation's attention.

Now, we see the very people perpetuating this misinformation stating on their own Chapel of Awareness Facebook Page that they have now closed Chapel of Awareness.

This is truly sad, and deserves public clarification. Please hold the Friends of Chapel on the current church board accountable for what this closure means, as the Annual Meeting approaches.


  1. hi folks, checked their Facebook page this morning and yep it indeed says they are closed, yet they post hours. bizarre and confusing development to say the least.

  2. FYI. They changed their Facebook page!! Either that means they WERE closed and reopened or they were NOT closed and frankly don't know what they are doing.
