Saturday, August 28, 2010

Yelp conflict of interest

A page on has existed for Chapel of Awareness for some time, but only in the last few months has there been any activity. offers the opportunity to post positive and negative criticism about a business or institution. One of the marks of a spiritual pathway is the ability to accept criticism and grow from it.

Friends of Chapel behavior shows a lack of ability to take criticism and learn from the experience, in the Chapel Guardians' opinion. Now, again, exists evidence that this problem persists, now brought to the public sphere thanks to a questionable use of the Yelp site. The posts are shown below. The link is here:

On June 2, someone posted a critical review of Chapel of Awareness. On July 30, new Chapel webmatser Terry Hall posted a review touting the virtues of Chapel. The way it's written, it's clear this is a response to try to counter the negative impact of the critical review.

Nowhere in the review does Terry Hall clarify who he is or his professional ties or leadership role with Chapel; it is written like "just another review."

Under the Content Guidelines in Yelp's Terms of Service, it states that "you should not review your own business or a business at which you have been or are currently employed." The Content Guidelines also state: "Conflicts of interest. Your reviews should be unbiased and objective. If there's any hint of a conflict, please don't post the review. For example, owners shouldn't sing the praises of their own businesses or bash their competitors, and users shouldn't comment on their current or former employers."

The Chapel Guardian will let readers of this post decide whether the original post is accurate in its criticism. What's clear, in Chapel Guardians' opinion, is the continued misuse of online outlets to self-promote while harming others. This is one of the dark legacies the current Chapel leadership risk leaving behind when their terms end.

1 comment:

  1. FYI on the yelp page. Chapel changed its post. Now its a reply to the review that says "The leadership of the Chapel of Awareness has recently changed". That's assuming the reviewer went before Feb.
