Monday, June 28, 2010

Hiding behind the expelled

Several Chapel Guardian observers have noticed that the new leadership at Chapel is continuing with unusual behavior:

1) Despite being in power since April, the new leadership continues to refer Chapel corporation business to Ann Lorenzini and Barbara Koenig, whom they expelled. Chapel Guardian observers have called routinely to the Chapel phone (last check was June 26) only to find a voicemail message giving Rev. Lorenzini's phone number, and Rev. Koenig's phone number, for official corporation business. This is suspicious. Why are they hiding behind people they expelled?

2) As of June 28, the Chapel of Awareness website continues to list the expelled ministers as "active" along with only the Friends of Chapel ministers. Revs. Lorenzini and Koenig had been shut out of services since April, two months before they were expelled. Again, this is suspicious. Why would the new leadership continue to list ministers as "active" who have been banned from this church?

3) The new leadership is closing some Chapel operations in July. Why?

4) Terry Hall continues a password block on the updates to Chapel of Awareness' supposed "new" website. Why are we of the congregation being blocked out of our own church's new site? Eric Berg has now password protected access to his website promoting Chapel of Awareness retreats. It was questionable enough that these retreats were only available to select Chapel members to begin with, but now congregation members won't even know they're offered at all.

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